honey sweet potato from Cilembu West Java

Ubi madu Cilembu ( Cilembu honey sweet potato ) is a cultivar of sweet potato from a local race origin ( Cilembu-Sumedang of  West Java). These particular sweet potatoes are popular among the consumers since 1990's. They have certain high economic value as a distinctive flavour, sweet like honey, sticky and velvety as an interesting structure that is favoured by agricultural businesses and consumers

Ubi madu Cilembu is more exceptional than other kind of local sweet potato as it creates sort of honey alike, tacky and sweet and it smells sugary if it oven roasted,  therefore ubi Cilembu also called as honey sweet potato.
In addition to it taste very sugary, the raw honey sweet potato flesh color is also quite interesting where the skin and flesh are in vibrant ivory and then it turns to flushed- yellow once they are roasted.
The honey sweet potatoes are not suitable for deep-fried, because the high sugar content make it easy to burn as well it isn’t suitable for steaming or boiled because the sweet-honey aroma even vanished.

Most of the merchant doing the business by selling roasted sweet potato in their shop which means they have provided the typical oven, thus you shouldn’t be worry if you don’t have oven in your house. 

As it mentions above that the honey sweet potato aren’t delectable if they are steamed or boiled, so I simply followed by the advised of oven-roasted to prove that what are said is trustworthy.
I do believe howsoever that the simple treat actually doesn’t need a complex way to enjoy, having it as they are roasted, scoop out the flesh and celebrate the afternoon tea with the traditional delicacy is the best ever !

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